Add a mailbox


  1. For New Mailbox, enter the name of your new mailbox.
    Note: Personal mailboxes cannot have the same name as system mailboxes (For example, Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items).
  2. Click Add.

    The new mailbox is displayed in the Current Mailboxes list.

Rename a mailbox

About this task

Note: System mailboxes cannot be renamed. Personal mailboxes cannot have the same name as system mailboxes (Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, etc.)


  1. In the Current Mailboxes list, for the mailbox you want to rename, click Rename.

    The mailbox name becomes editable.

  2. Enter the new name for the mailbox.
  3. Click Update.

    The new mailbox name is saved.

Move a mailbox

About this task

Note: System mailboxes cannot be moved. In addition, personal mailboxes cannot be moved above the system mailboxes.


To change the position of a mailbox in your list of mailboxes, use the Up and Down buttons to move your mailbox to the desired position.

Delete a mailbox

Deleting a mailbox containing messages will move all its messages to the Deleted Items mailbox.

About this task

Note: System mailboxes cannot be deleted.


In the Current Mailboxes list, click Delete for the mailbox that you want to delete.

The mailbox is deleted.