Work with section templates

You can save a section that you have created as a template on which to base later sections that you create. When you save a section as a template, you can use the template to quickly create pre-formatted sections on the same or different forms.


  1. To save a section as a template, select the section in the component tree.
  2. Click Save as Template at the bottom of the component properties editor.

    Save Template opens.

  3. Type a template name and click Save.

    The section is saved as a template.

  4. To create a new section based on a template, click New Section on the form editor toolbar.
  5. Click Import Template.

    Import Template opens.

  6. Select a template and click OK.

    The template name is displayed for Name and the new section appears in the component tree.

Edit section templates

About this task

You can edit an existing template by importing the template into the component properties editor, making your changes, and then saving the template and overwriting its old version.


  1. Click New Section on the form editor toolbar.
  2. Click Import Template.

    Import Template opens.

  3. Select a template and click OK.

    The template is displayed in the component properties editor.

  4. Edit the properties of the section template.
  5. Click Save as Template.

    Save Template opens.

  6. Select the template name in the list and click Save.

    A warning message is displayed indicating that you will overwrite the existing template.

  7. Click Save to update the existing template.

    The template is updated and Save Template closes.