Forms and Appointments

In Sunrise Patient Portal™, you can assign forms to the patient when an appointment is booked through Sunrise Patient Portal™ or Sunrise Enterprise Scheduling™.

If Form A – associated with appt is assigned manually by administrators, it is also displayed in assigned form (without style, no highlight), and the assigned patient is displayed in the Un-assign tab for administrators.

Book appointments with forms from Enterprise Scheduling, AM Load Tool or Sunrise Patient Portal

When booking appointments from Sunrise Enterprise Scheduling™ or using the AM Load Tool for bulk booking, or batch processing the form defined in the MLM will be assigned to the patient immediately. Patients must submit forms in the Assigned Submission Forms web part.

In an MLM, when a patient books an appointment, an event for Sunrise Enterprise Scheduling™ is created. The MLM used for assigning forms on the basis of events scheduled from Sunrise Enterprise Scheduling™ or Sunrise Clinical Manager™ is SMP_PATIENT_FORM_ASSIGN.

Form assignment on patient registration based on service type.

A custom developed MLM can be created which assigns forms to a patient in patient registration based on the service type or group of patients configured in MLM. This form will be displayed in the Assigned web part when the patient logs into the Sunrise Patient Portal™ account. The MLM used is SMP_PATIENT_FORM_ASSIGN_REGISTRATION.

Form Assignment

Sunrise Patient Portal™ can assign forms to the patient when an appointment is booked through Sunrise Patient Portal™ or Sunrise Enterprise Scheduling™.

About this task

Sunrise Patient Portal™ has 2 webparts Assigned Submission Forms and Assigned Maintenance Forms. These 2 webparts can be added to the webparts home page.


  1. Log into Sunrise Patient Portal™ as an administrator.

    The home page is displayed.

  2. Move the pointer over the Home tab.
  3. Click Add Content.
  4. Select Assigned Maintenance Forms and Assigned Submission.
  5. Click OK.

    The two webparts are added to the selected zone.

  6. Administrator can create forms from the Forms web part by selecting 1 of the following Form Types.
    • Submission.
    • Maintenance.
  7. Enter a Name for the Form Type.


The Maintenance and Submission Form Type are created.