Parameter Settings

In the parameter settings page there are 2 sets of parameters, each with a group of service types.

Service type information is taken from the Restricted Service Group in configuration tools and the service types configured in the web.config. If service types are configured in both places then only administrators are able to receive those appointments on the Parameters settings page.

Description of Parameter Settings
Parameter Blank Allowed 0 Allowed Min Value Max Value Impact if Value is Blank
New Appointments          
User can book a new appointment date that is X days after current date. Y N 1 365 User can book new appointment anytime. This means users can book an appointment on the current date.
User can book appointments up to X months in advance. N N 1 12 NA
User can box X number of appointments of the same appointment type at any one time. Y N ! 99 User can book any number of appointments of the same type at any one time.
Amend Appointments          
User can amend appointments that are at least X days after current date. Y N 1 365 User can amend an appointment anytime. This means a user can amend an appointment on the same day.
User can only book a new date that is at least X day after their existing appointment date. Y Y 0 365

If value is blank, user can amend an existing appointment to any date. This means a user can amend an existing appointment to today.

If value is 0, then it means a user can book a new appointment on the same day as an existing appointment date or later.
User can only amend their appointment X times. Y Y 0 99 User can amend an appointment an unlimited number of times. If value is 0, then user can not amend an appointment.
Appointment Cancellation          
User can cancel their appointment N NA NA NA NA
User can only cancel appointment dates which are X days after current date Y N 1 365 User can cancel an appointment at any time including the same day it was created.

Configure Parameter Settings

From the portal Parameter Settings window administrators can set parameters settings for different service types based on the configuration of the logged patient.


  1. Click Acct Maint.
  2. In the Page Menu click Parameter Settings.
  3. Select one or multiple Service Types.
  4. To configure New Appointment settings do the following.
    1. Select a number of days to wait before booking a new appointment.
    2. Select the number of months in advance a user can book appointments.
    3. Select the number of appointments of the same type that can be booked at one time.
  5. To configure Amend Appointments do the following.
    1. Select the number of days to wait before amending an appointment.
    2. Select the number of days to wait before amending an existing appointment.
    3. Select the number of days to wait before you can book a new appointment.
    4. Select the number of times a user can amend their appointment.
  6. To configure Appointment Cancellation do the following:
    1. Select Yes or No to determine if a user can cancel appointments.
    2. Select the number of days after the current date an appointment can be canceled.
  7. For HSP Eligibility age select the number of years and months.
  8. If a parameter setting does not apply to the user select Not Applicable to disable that setting.


The service type and appointment parameter settings are configured for the user.