Working with the page menu

The Page Menu web part is displayed on various pages in Sunrise Patient Portal™ and provides navigation links to the web parts associated with the page.

Similar to other web parts, you can minimize or remove the Page Menu web part from a page.

Note: If you minimize or remove the Page Menu web part, users cannot access the links to the web parts associated with the page.

Edit the page menu

About this task

Users with administrator rights can edit the Page Menu web part by configuring which links are displayed in the web part and by modifying the titles of the links. By default, links to all the web parts associated with a page are displayed in the Page Menu. To remove a link from the web part, you must designate it as hidden in the Page Menu.

Note: If you hide a web part link on the Page Menu, users will not be able to access the web part.


  1. Click the Options menu and select Edit.

    The Page Menu properties window appears.

  2. For each web part name, do the following:
    1. Type a title to be displayed in the Page Menu web part as a link to the web.
    2. Type comments that are displayed at the bottom of the web part when the web part is displayed.
  3. In the Hidden Web Parts field, type the names of the web parts that you do not want to be displayed in the Page Menu web part.
    Note: Because the Blood Glucose web part only displays personal health record information, if your site is not configured for Microsoft® HealthVault™, you should hide the Blood Glucose link on the Page Menu web part on the Medical Information page.

    Web parts that are typed in this field are not displayed in the Page Menu and users will not be able to access the web part.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.