View immunization details

The Immunization Details window displays detailed information about the immunization you are viewing. Information is displayed on two tabs: The Detail tab and the Record Info tab.

Detail Tab

The Detail tab displays a comprehensive summary of all the information about the immunization you are viewing. For each completed dose of the vaccine that has been recorded, the following information is displayed:
Field Description
Dose The dose number
Date Administered The date the dose was given
Age When Given The age of the patient when the dose was given
Administered By The care provider who gave the vaccine
Manufacturer The manufacturer of the vaccine
Lot Number The lot number of the vaccine
Route How the vaccine was administered
Site The location on the body where the vaccine was administered
Dosage and Units The medication dosage and measurement units
Comments Comments entered about the dose

To view the details of an immunization dose, select the dose in the Doses completed table. The dosage details are displayed in the Dose Details section of the window.

Record Info tab

The Record Info tab displays detailed information about the record you are viewing. While the Detail tab displays a summary of all the information the record contains, the Record Info tab displays information about the record itself, including the source where the record was retrieved and the system where the record was originally created.

Note: A record's information source may differ from its original source. For instance, if your care provider enters a new immunization record for you in their computer system, and then you use Sunrise Patient Portal™ to copy the record into your personal health record. When you view your list of immunizations, the record will appear as being retrieved from Microsoft® HealthVault™, even though the record was originally created in your care provider’s computer system.

The Record Info tab also includes a table that displays a history of the record, including information about when the record was created and when it was last modified, if applicable. This information includes the application the record was created in, the user who created the record, and the date and time the creation or modification took place.

Work with Immunization Details

You can use the Medical Info web parts to view and print immunizations associated with an event.


  1. Click the Medical Info tab.
  2. From the left pane, click Immunizations.

    The Event Name, Last-Completed Dose, and Location are displayed in immunizations summary.

    Medical Info Medical Info
  3. To view immunization details, click the link beneath Event Name.

    Immunization Details opens, and the Details tab is displayed by default.

  4. Click Dose.

    The Vaccine, Location, and other details are displayed in Immunization Details.


You have viewed the immunization details attached to an event.

Adding Immunizations

You can use Sunrise Patient Portal™ to copy an immunization from your patient record to your personal health record, add a new immunization to a personal health record, or add a new completed dose for an immunization stored in a personal health record.


  1. To copy an immunization from your patient record to a personal health record, click Copy to Microsoft HealthVault.

    The immunization and its dosage details are copied from your patient record to your personal health record.

  2. To add a new immunization to a personal health record, from Immunization Details, click Add to PHR.

    Immunizations Details refreshes with blank fields.

  3. Enter the vaccine name.
  4. In the Dose Details section, enter the dosage details for the immunization.
    Note: An immunization must have at least 1 completed dose.
  5. To add the dose information for the immunization, click Add to list.
  6. When you finish adding the details for each completed dose, click Close to close Immunization Details.

Update immunization dose details

About this task

You can update information about an immunization dose that is stored in a personal health record.

Note: You cannot update the details of an immunization dose that is stored in your patient record.


  1. In the Doses completed table, click the date of the dose that you want to update.

    The dosage details appear in the Dose details section of the dialog.

  2. Update the dosage information.
  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Delete immunizations

About this task

You can use Sunrise Patient Portal™ to delete immunizations that are stored in a personal health record.

Note: You can only delete immunizations from a personal health record. You cannot delete immunizations from your healthcare provider's records.


  1. To delete immunizations stored in a personal health record, click Delete from PHR.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  2. Click OK.

    The immunization is deleted from the personal health record.

  3. To delete an immunization dose, in the Doses completed table, click the red X for the dose that you want to delete.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Click OK.

    The immunization dose is removed from the list of completed doses.

Print immunizations


  1. Select the check-box for the immunization.
  2. Click PDF Print Preview.

    File Download is displayed.

  3. Click Open.

    A PDF Print Preview window opens, displaying the immunization information.

  4. Click Print.

    Print Options is displayed.

  5. Select your print options and then click OK.

    The immunization information is printed.

  6. Close the Print Preview window.