Portal auditing statistics

Auditing services in Sunrise Patient Portal™ is provided by Helios Auditing Services. Helios Auditing Services audits the activity and events of users or services running in applications and creates a centralized audit trail. The audit trail is a chronological record of system activities that are stored in the database for later review.

The Auditing Statistics web part provides a user interface for site administrators to query the audit trail for specific events that have occurred in Sunrise Patient Portal™. If your enterprise has installed other Sunrise Portal applications, such as Sunrise Patient Portal™, you can use the Auditing Statistics web part to query the audit trail for events in those applications as well.

Using the fields in the Query Tool, you can create a query to return specific events from the audit trail. The following table provides a description of the fields you can use to create a query.
Field Description
From Specify a start date for a query based upon a date range.
To Specify an end date for a query based upon a date range.
Event Specify the type of auditing event that the query should return (for instance, account creation, login, record creation, etc.).
Source Specify the Portal application to which the query should apply.
User ID Specify the user ID associated with the auditing events you are searching for.
Patient ID Type Specify the patient ID type associated with the auditing events you are searching for.
Patient ID Value Specify the patient ID value associated with the auditing events you are searching for.

To query the auditing database, complete the fields in the Query Tool, and then click Query to run your query. The auditing events matching your query parameters are displayed.

List View

The list view displays your query results in a table with columns that represent the database parameters for each record. To view query results in the list view, select the List tab.

You can sort the query results by any of the column headers. To sort the query results, click the column header you want to sort the query results by. The results are sorted by the selected column in ascending order. Click the column header again to sort the results in reverse order.

Graph View

The graph view displays your query results as a line graph. The x-axis is generated based upon the query date range that you selected (hours, days, weeks). The y-axis represents the count of the audit records matching your query.

To view query results in the graph view, select the Graph tab. To enlarge the graph, click View Larger. A larger view of the graph opens in a new window.

Print auditing statistics


  1. Click PDF Print Preview.

    A File Download box opens.

  2. Click Open.

    A PDF print preview window opens, displaying the auditing statistics.

  3. Click Print.

    Print Options opens.

  4. Select your print options and then click OK.

    The auditing statistics are printed.

  5. Close the print preview window.